Does Your Company Look Like All The Others Online?
Standing out is one of the most important aspects of controlling your industry. And while this has always been true, it is more true today than ever before. This is for many reasons…
- For one, you are competing with everyone. Think about it, literally anyone can create nearly anything from their garage in today’s day and age and compete with some of the biggest brands. It does not help that this creates a lot of options for the customer.
- Secondly, almost every competitor can offer a deal almost as good as, as good as, or better than yours. There are often multiple competitors in any given industry who offer the same quality of service, the same guarantee, and the same prices.
- And finally, most importantly, artificial intelligence. A.I. carefully combs the internet and social channels to find content which actually satisfies their end customers. If your company looks exactly like the competitors, how would A.I. know to choose you over them?
Understanding the three concepts above will help you identify where your company is lacking, and how to improve the situation.
How Easy Is It For Competitors To Enter My Space?

Is your industry highly saturated? Look, it does not mean you have to give up. You can still aim to be the best and that will win you the largest piece of the pie. It may also be time to “shake things up” and try something new. If your industry is a very easy space to enter, evolving by offering new and exciting products or services, offers or deals, memberships or discounts, can help drum up new business. But you should, at minimum, understand who you are competing with, and how. What are the competitors offering that you don’t (and vice versa)? Is your price reasonable for the end-customer value? There are many things that matter in terms of standing out which can be easily measured. Some examples include how you represent your company, your representatives, your products/services, and your offers.
Why Do So Many Advertisements Look The Same?

The ridiculously strict restraints which dictated who controlled the top search results, or “went viral,” in the past had conditioned most marketers and ad campaigns to look practically identical. Usually, one company will gain traction utilizing one tactic to entice more customers to buy. Say, for instance, “If you’re not happy within 30 days, we’ll give you your money back.” Before you know it, every company in the same industry has a “30 day money back guarantee.” This type of psychological development of an industry can be applied to nearly all monikers, mantras, slogans, and offers. While it’s bad enough the customer knows it, it’s arguably worse that A.I. knows it.
The companies which choose to be round pegs in square holes, the ones who see things differently, will be the ones who stand out and take over the industry.
How Does Artificial Intelligence Influence My Ranking On Search Engines and Social Media Platforms?

Artificial intelligence has given search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, and all social media platforms) the large language model, which allows the algorithms to take an extremely larger amount of content into consideration in deciding “who’s actually the best in their industry.” This means that traditional SEO (e.g., formatting headers, alt tags on pictures, keyword stuffing) will no longer result in a guaranteed ranking position on any of them. While SEO still has its place in terms of foundation and browsability, more is now necessary to secure a top page ranking.
Sagacity Branding: Making a Brand That Stands Out, To Both, A.I. AND The Customers
Sagacity Branding specializes in crafting brand presence which absolutely POPS off the screen, no matter the platform the customer is using. Having a full grasp over the next 20 years, means upgrading with the times. And the simple, old ways of traditional SEO and online marketing will no longer cut it. Fear not, however, we can make this easy for you…
- We will make sure that your content does not look like everyone else’s. That customers will be intrigued and heavily enticed to engage, after all, we are engagement experts.
- We will build content around your company which accurately and emotionally depicts the heart of your company. Customers will literally be able to feel connected to your brand (and we’re not joking, with content psychologists on our staff).
- We will focus on content which stands out to A.I., and reinforces that your company is the complete customer solution it is looking for. A.I. will see a significant difference in your company’s brand presence when compared to your competitors.
If you feel like your digital presence is bland, boring, or unengaging, then you’re probably right. Awareness, however, is the first step, as you cannot change what you cannot acknowledge. And one thing is for sure: change is certain!
I know being creative means taking risks, and that’s one of the biggest reasons I see companies hold back. It’s that “fear” that the ad will fail, that the money will be wasted, that the measure will miss the target. I get it. At Sagacity Branding, our foundation is built from absolute value. In other words, we ensure that every piece of content we produce for you comes from the heart and makes a timeless, lasting impact on your brand’s digital presence.
Co-Founder, Kevin Reynolds